How Polarization Has Shaped Malaysia’s Electoral Politics: A Nation Divided

Malaysia’s Political Landscape and the Impact of Polarization Malaysia is a nation that has been deeply influenced by political polarization over the years. With a diverse population consisting of Malay, Chinese, and Indian communities, as well as various indigenous groups, the country has often struggled to find common ground and unity. This article explores how […]

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Title: “Pentingnya Politik dalam Gelak Tawa: Berpolitik Menjadi Serius Tanpa Keras”

Introduction Ah, politik! Apa yang boleh lebih memerahkan muka dan mendatangkan gelak ketimbang huru-hara dan undian? Ia adalah hiburan berkualiti tinggi yang hidup, penuh gosip, dan sumber ketawa yang tak terkira. Tetapi, tunggu seketika! Mengapa sesuatu yang sepatutnya serius menjadi lawak dan mengasyikkan? Kenapa politik begitu penting dalam hidup kita, ketika kita boleh menggunakan masa

Title: “Pentingnya Politik dalam Gelak Tawa: Berpolitik Menjadi Serius Tanpa Keras” Read More »

Can an Uncompensated Person Influence a Federal Election?

Introduction In the bustling realm of politics, where power is sought after and decisions affect millions, the role of individuals in shaping the outcomes of federal elections is a captivating subject. While monetary influence remains a considerable factor, it is intriguing to ponder whether uncompensated individuals can truly make a difference in such high-stakes affairs.

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Why We Need “Politiking” in the Creative Realm: Unlocking the Power of Intersectionality

Introduction The marriage of politics and creativity isn’t often acknowledged, as we tend to see them as separate entities. However, in this article, we will delve into the vibrant world of “politiking” – an amalgamation of politics and art – and explore the reasons why it is essential for society. Embracing politiking can revolutionize our

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Why We Need Political Discourse: A Path Towards Empathy and Progress

Introduction Politics. The mere mention of the word may elicit groans, eye rolls, and sighs of frustration from many of us. It often seems like an endless cycle of debates, disagreements, and divisiveness. However, what if I told you that political discourse is not only necessary but also crucial for the functioning of a healthy

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Title: The Significance of Politics in our Professional Lives

Introduction Politics, a word that often arouses mixed emotions and diverse opinions. Some may perceive it as a breeding ground for controversy and conflict, while others view it as an essential aspect of our society. Regardless of personal biases, politics undeniably plays a significant role in shaping our professional lives. In this article, we will

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The Significance of Politics in our Academic Pursuits

Politics, in all its complexity and intricacies, plays a crucial role in shaping societies across the world. It encompasses the activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence the government’s decisions. Understanding politics is not only essential for individuals pursuing careers in public service or social sciences,

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